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Meet Your Coach, Laura Layton!

Laura is a National Board Certified Counselor, Certified Life Coach, & has a certificate in Biblical Counseling. She has been a Licensed Professional Counselor in GA & SC for over 10 years, & is currently seeking NC licensure in order to serve at Bit of Hope. She has dreamed of being part of such a place since first getting involved with Animal-Assisted Therapy almost 20 years ago. She currently resides in SC with her husband of 21 years, her 17 y.o. son, 2 dogs, 2 cats, & a rabbit.

Laura is passionate about helping individuals, marriages, families, & small groups to uncover & remove obstacles to a more abundant life... Whether through education, counseling, coaching, or intensive retreats, she is always honored to partner with people who are bravely seeking something better. Because each situation is unique, Laura offer a variety of services to encourage Mind-Body-Spirit & Relational health. Get in touch to talk about what's right for you!